Terms used: Biodiversity, biophilia, interspecific interactions, competition, predation, carrying-capacity, behavior, innate behavior, classical-conditioning, operant-conditioning, associative learning, learning, imprinting, sensitive period, taxis, kinesis, costs/benefits, trophic levels, energy flow, endangered species, threatened species, and terrestrial/aquatic biomes.
I used a lot of vocabulary related to behavioral ecology because behavior and interactions in an ecosystem are essential components to the functioning of an ecosystem. A species acts the way it does because it is either innate or it is related to the stimuli and other species encountered in an environment. Additionally, I used vocabulary related to the structure of an ecosystem, such as trophic levels and energy flow. Knowing these concepts are important in understanding what links everything in an ecosystem together and keeps it from collapsing. Each trophic level impacts the others directly or indirectly and contributes in keeping energy flowing through in some way.